Your e-Marketing Coach

Personal Coaching & Consultation

Coffee Break (1 to 1)

RM2,950 / 1-2 hrs OR RM3,800 / 3-4 hrs

Corporate Small Group Training

Half day Training: RM11,800 / 2-4 hrs (with break)

Full Day Training: RM16,900 / 5-8 hrs (with break)

** max 5 person / group

Workshops Speaker

Half day Training: RM46,900 / 1-4 hrs (with break)

Full Day Training: RM69,800 / 5-8 hrs (with break)

** max 50 pax only per workshop. for more attendees, kindly contact us! TQ.


# online business

# seo

# digital marketing

# internet advertising

# online sales

# online social media

# the most efficient skills

# online branding